Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!

The turkey is in the oven and I have the frostbite to prove it LOL It never seems to fail, no matter how long I thaw a turkey, there is ALWAYS a huge chunk of ice in the middle. Took a lot of cold water and digging, but I finally got it thawed and the neck out. I'll put the neck and the gibblets in water and chicken stiock later on so I have stock for gravey (we like LOTS of gravey) and some liquid to add to the dressing I am baking outside of the bird. I did stuff the bird with my regular stuffing, but hubby says I never make enough, so I am doing extra and figure I'll try a different recipe. I'll be doing an apple-walnut dressing.

For my stuffing I used fresh bread, I really hate the dried breadcube stuffing, I think it gets too mushy. I usually just use regular sliced bread, but yesterday I made an egg bread in the bread machine, so I am using it in both stuffings along with the regular bread. I'll start some dinner rolls in the bread macine in a while.

No snow as yet, probably won't get any until this weekend. Very wind tho, some rain. Most of the kitties are quite content to stay in the house. KiKi went out first thing this morning, Nicky is sleeping off the catnip he had yesterday, he was so cute stoned LOL.

Well, off to check the turkey.
