The wind kept waking me up all night, before going to work I went out to see what damage it did. Did a pretty good number on my one frame around the big garden. It knocked over the frame and knocked over all three tomato cages, luckily the plants weren't damaged. One of the frames was broken, mostly the staples holding it together were ripped out. I will probably just pick all the green tomatos and bring them in and either let them ripen inside or just have lots and lots of fried green tomatos :D I will probalby look at building a little frame for the bellpeppers so they can keep going.
Got part way to work when I realized I didn't bring my coffee, then realized I didn't get my cup of coffee ready. Sigh! Luckily I have a cup at my desk and I got some from a nother dept where they have a pt going and then at break I bought paid my 25 cents and got a cup in the staff lounge.
Spent a quiet weekend, as I posted yesterday, it is nice to curl up and just kick back. I did get the bedroom window weatherized and will finish the back door this evening and that will be done. I've got the inserts for the 2 kitchen windows and plastic for the 3rd one (I don't like to completely block off all the windows. I keep 1 front one clear using the shrink plastic so I can see out the front).
Did the pork roast yesterday. I made a rub of yellow mustard, basalmic vinagar, Old Bay seasoning and garlic powder. I covered the roast with it and let it sit to come up to room temp before popping it in the oven. Came out very yummy. Will give us lots of leftovers this week to be creative with.
Got part way to work when I realized I didn't bring my coffee, then realized I didn't get my cup of coffee ready. Sigh! Luckily I have a cup at my desk and I got some from a nother dept where they have a pt going and then at break I bought paid my 25 cents and got a cup in the staff lounge.
Spent a quiet weekend, as I posted yesterday, it is nice to curl up and just kick back. I did get the bedroom window weatherized and will finish the back door this evening and that will be done. I've got the inserts for the 2 kitchen windows and plastic for the 3rd one (I don't like to completely block off all the windows. I keep 1 front one clear using the shrink plastic so I can see out the front).
Did the pork roast yesterday. I made a rub of yellow mustard, basalmic vinagar, Old Bay seasoning and garlic powder. I covered the roast with it and let it sit to come up to room temp before popping it in the oven. Came out very yummy. Will give us lots of leftovers this week to be creative with.