Summer has ended and Fall has begun

Definately a week of changes and such. Not sure we are ready for it all. The police are still investigating the shooting, everyone is baffled as to what the motive may have been and why. The accused are not talking and the search for clues extends 150 miles along a country highway. In the meantime life goes on, the football team is back in practice, which I think is a good thing for those kids. Young people shouldn't ever have to deal with senseless violent death like that.

On a more personal note, taking the meds for my restless leg syndrome for a very annoying facial twitch was a not very good thing to do. About a week ago I developed a twitch in my right cheek that extends upwards and it is annoying. It is also intermittant and if I try to make it stop, it gets worse. So this morning I had this brilliant idea that the clonazapan I take to stop the twitches and creepy crawlies in my legs when I sleep might stop the twitch. Nope. Just made me loopier the all get out and totally icky and didn't stop the twitching. I guess I'll just have to try and figure out who I need to see, my opthamologist since it does involve my left eye or my regular doc in case it is something neurological and I need to see a specialist. In the meantime I try and fight the twitching and not do it infront of patrons hehehehehe.

Garden is still ticking along. I have bell peppers growing now. I have also rigged a tent over my other garden plot to protect the tomatos and the rest of my peppers. I really need to get some PVC pipe and plastic and make a proper frame, but the sheets and clothes pins are doing in a pinch. It is suposed to warm up some this weekend, so hopefully that will give everything the push they need to finish ripening up.
