Somehow or other managed to pull the muscles in my left shoulder and neck. As long as I don't move I am fine, other wise OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW Took 2 ibruprophen so far, looking at a couple more soon.
Supposed to be a nice weekend, I hope so I need to mow the weeds and measure the one garden spot for the cold frame.
Looking into getting Nicky edited, we're probably going to take him to the vet our neighbors used. Apparently there is a couple of new vets there (we'd had a bad experience when we'd taken Adric to that particular practice, the gentleman who was working was very abrupt and not sympathetic and it was a bad experience all around), and J says they are great. They are also a lot cheaper then our regular vet and we can get a coupon from the Humane society for $10 off that, so with luck we can get him edited AND his shots for what we would pay just for the editing at our regular place (BTW, we refuse to call it getting them "fixed" there isn't anything broken hehehehehe). Nicky is 6 months old so it is time.
Went to a lecture last night sposored by the Margaret Richie School of Family & Consumer Sciences. The speaker was Joanne Ikeda, an Extension Nutrition Education Specialist & Lecturer at the University of California-Berkeley. Her talk was on "Why Abandon Dieting for Health At Every Size?". Very good talk and it was nice to finally put a face and voice to someone who's writings I've been reading in the paper and on various Health at Every Size listserves and fat/size acceptance boards and lists. She's recently concluded a study that shows that dieting leads to weight gain, esp when people start the cycle young.
Have to remember to call and make a doctors appointment. I haven't been twitchy today (knock on wood). Yesterday was fine, then it started up in the afternoon and into the evening. Getting very annoying. Also have to see if the only opthamologist in the area is on our health plan. Most of the optomitrists in town won't sign up with Blue Cross, Blue Cross won't pay enough..
Supposed to be a nice weekend, I hope so I need to mow the weeds and measure the one garden spot for the cold frame.
Looking into getting Nicky edited, we're probably going to take him to the vet our neighbors used. Apparently there is a couple of new vets there (we'd had a bad experience when we'd taken Adric to that particular practice, the gentleman who was working was very abrupt and not sympathetic and it was a bad experience all around), and J says they are great. They are also a lot cheaper then our regular vet and we can get a coupon from the Humane society for $10 off that, so with luck we can get him edited AND his shots for what we would pay just for the editing at our regular place (BTW, we refuse to call it getting them "fixed" there isn't anything broken hehehehehe). Nicky is 6 months old so it is time.
Went to a lecture last night sposored by the Margaret Richie School of Family & Consumer Sciences. The speaker was Joanne Ikeda, an Extension Nutrition Education Specialist & Lecturer at the University of California-Berkeley. Her talk was on "Why Abandon Dieting for Health At Every Size?". Very good talk and it was nice to finally put a face and voice to someone who's writings I've been reading in the paper and on various Health at Every Size listserves and fat/size acceptance boards and lists. She's recently concluded a study that shows that dieting leads to weight gain, esp when people start the cycle young.
Have to remember to call and make a doctors appointment. I haven't been twitchy today (knock on wood). Yesterday was fine, then it started up in the afternoon and into the evening. Getting very annoying. Also have to see if the only opthamologist in the area is on our health plan. Most of the optomitrists in town won't sign up with Blue Cross, Blue Cross won't pay enough..