Almost Friday!!!!

Survived the trip to the doctors. Why is it I always end up with a needle stuck in my arm and them gleefully running off with my blood. SIGH!!!! Hopefully it will bring some answers. We are checking my calcium levels and my thyroid levels. The doc asked if my tongue was twitchy too, I said no, she said, good it isn't Lou Gehrig's disease. So here I sit waiting for test results, again :P

We also discussed the fact that even tho I am usually in bed by 10:30 pm (me, the former night owl) I'm still not getting good sleep. I fall asleep pretty fast and the alarm doesn't go off until 7:30am, so I should be getting 8 hours sleep, but I'm waking up all the time, except when I take the meds for the restless legs and then I only sleep straight thru if I take the full 1 mg dosage. Then I'm pretty spacey the rest of the morning. So we're going to try and aim for a 10 pm bed time (no nightly news!!!!!! WAHHH!) and see if that helps any with the twitching.

So now I have to really start planning out weekly menus so I can have dinners ready earlier. Since I don't get off work until 6pm, by the time I get home and relax a while, it is after 7 before I even think of getting anything planned ready to cook and dinner can be anywhere from 8-9pm. If I haven't planned dinner, things are ready much later then that. I think my slow cooker and crock pot are going to get a lot more use and I'm going to look at what I can fix on weekends that can freeze and have hubby take them out and defrost and put in the oven so dinner will be ready lots earlier.
