I've a doctors appointment in a little over an hour, and since it is for a physical, I haven't had anything to eat or drink (except water) since last night and I am NOT a happy camper. I NEED my coffee in the mornings.

This is when I really miss my old doc who semi-retired for health reasons and went to work at the quick care unit of the medical practice we used to go to. He would always order the bloodwork taken several days before the physical so it would be there when I went in. None of the other doctors I've been to since do this. Now I have to wait several days to get the results back and then schedule ANOTHER appointment to talk about any odd results. SIGH!!!!!!

So, here I sit, coffeeless and slightly cranky (I hate doctors appointments). Needless to say, if my BP is up, I won't be surprised at all.

Thank the Goddess it is Friday, I've not much planned this weekend out side of maybe finishing painting the porch railings and posts and dealing with the small clutter spots around the house. Weather is supposed to be cool (fine for my hubby, not fine for my tomatos :( )
