And it begins again

Today is the first day of classes and the students are back in full force. I suppose I shouldn't complain too much, no students, no university and therefore, no job. But still, I liked having a relatively quiet town for the summer.

Sat I finally finished painting what I wanted on the porch and the steps. I sprinkkled crushed walnut shells on the steps between layers of paint to make them no-skid, so hopefully I can make it thru the winter without sliding down them for a change :D I still have some paint leftover, so may do a bit more on it, tho i may save it to throw a single coat on the back of the shed once my garden is ready to dig up and I can get to it.

Yesterday it rained to beat the band. Luckily most of the fields have been harvested, so the farmers are happy. They are thinking if it keeps up it will make conditions for planting this fall ideal. My lawn will be estatically happy, it is pretty soaked thru.

My tomatos are ticking away, some of the cherry tomatos are starting to turn yellow, I'm hoping it won't be too cold and rainy as I am anxiously awaiting the harvest. But it is nice to have a good soaking of the garden and I don't have to water for a while.

I'm thinking I will dig up some of my pepper plants once they start producing a bit and pot them to bring indoors. Should work if I am careful enough. The ones in the pots already may not produce at all they way they are going :(
