Almost over

Goddess I hate the first week school is back in session. I usually drag myself home and collapse on the couch with no energy to do anything. 1 more day to go and then a nice two day break.

I think the only thing I plan on doing this weekend is getting that bathroom sink re-installed, it has been sitting in the living room since Monday when hubby brought it in from the porch. We still need to pull the old caulking out of the metal stip it sits in. We'd hoped to pull it up and then attach the sink and drop everything in from the top, but the strip is too well attached, so we get to put the cast iron sink back in from the botton. Not going to be much fun.

Check my garden last night, I've a cucumber about ready to pick and lots more starting to grow. The big cherry tomato I've been keeping an eye on split big time after yesterdays rain :-( Not sure it will be salvagable. It is just starting to turn orange before red. I got a tip from an online firend about getting tomatos to ripen, I'll be mixing in some epsom salts around the tomatos tonight and see if that helps. Epsom salts are supposed to encourage them to start turning red. So we'll see.
