Ah, the weekend!

Watered my eggplants, they were looking pretty good. Got the old lawnmower going and mowed the lawn. Makes me REALLY appreciate the self-propelled mower even more. I really need to get that one fixed.

Made some iced tea and sat on the steps and watched the robins hop around the lawn within 10 feet of KiKi, who ignored them. Nicky just watched them from the safety from the steps.

I'm doing pork stirfry tonight, the rice is cooking as we speak and the pork is finishing defrosting in the microwave. I almost started a fire in the kitchen tho. I put the rice on to cook and switched on the wrong burner. Torched the burner cover on the front burner. Now I have to get a replacement set.

Tomrrow morning I will pop outside as soon as I have my coffee and commence with Operation Thistle Annihilation. Rather then let the property owner sneak in with his poisons and nuke my lawn, I will go after the thistles organically, with white vinegar. I have it in a spray bottle and I get up close to the thistle and spray it with the vinegar and then let the vinegar and sun do its thing. Does just as good a job as ROundup, for a lot less money, a lot less damage to the environment and if I happpen to get a face full of vinegar, oh well, at least I didn't get poisoned.

Well, the microwave just dinged, so off to slice pork and fire up the butane burner :)
