Weekends are entirely too short

Tho I managed to get a bit done. Worked on my garden space and finally got the new edging in. I used discarded CDs, like those obnoxious AOHell cds you get in the mail. One advantage of working at a library, is there is a ton ofCDs getting pitched (actually sent off for recycling) that I can lay my hands on.

So I am now in serious pain as not only did I get the edging in, I was digging up a lot of tough grass that was growing into the space I was wanting for a garden. I've got some pics, as soon as I process them I'll post a couple so folk can see what a CD garden edge looks like :D

My peppers have FINALLY sprouted, I was getting worried, but it looks like I'll have some seedlings to put out once the chance of frost is past. I have been considering building some cold frames, but I'll hold off on those for next year.
