Beltaine on Sat was perfect, the weather was warm, not a cloud in sight, lots of good friends, good food and good conversations. The rite went well, as we were casting the circle several deer appeared on the hill above us. Coyotes called out to each other (which caused the dog to go into "protect the farm" mode) and the one cat wound his way thru the legs of al the participants, purring loud enough to be heard in town LOL The bon fire after the rite was enjoyable and quite a few people jumped a small bit that was pulled out for that purpose.
Today was putter about the house day, we got the satellite dish re-aligned so we finally have a strong signal again. Things got knocked out a bit during the wind storm. Got the cap back on the chimney (it came down last fall in a wind storm. Our one neighbor volunteered to climb the ladder and put it back up. Good thing, I hate climbing ladders, I have an annoying fear of heights).
Lowered the lawn mower a notch and trimmed up the lawn. Weed whacked a few spots I couldn't get with the mower. Worked in the garden, got more edging installed and delineated one of the spaces better. Weeded and trimmed back the lavender bush under the bedroom window.
It is definatley spring, I found 5 yellowjacket nests going up on the porch eaves. I am doing everything I can yard and garden wise to be as organic as possible, except where yellowjackets are concerned. There I declare all-out chemical warfare. Ace puts out a wonderful foaming jellowjacket spray, so I made the rounds of the house spraying any nests I could find. I'll see about setting up some traps later in the spring.
Got to see the kittens, boy are they getting big. Still not weaned, but they are drinking water from a bowl. So a couple more weeks at least until we can bring the little one home. All our lot were outside when J brought her over, so I introduced the little one to them. Mister nuzzled her and seemed to like her, KiKi nuzzled and growled and nuzzled and hissed and nuzzled. Not sure if she likes her or not, KiKi is such a flake hehehehe. Freddy kept running away, but he does get shy around other humans, so he may have been freaked by the neighbors being over.
Today was putter about the house day, we got the satellite dish re-aligned so we finally have a strong signal again. Things got knocked out a bit during the wind storm. Got the cap back on the chimney (it came down last fall in a wind storm. Our one neighbor volunteered to climb the ladder and put it back up. Good thing, I hate climbing ladders, I have an annoying fear of heights).
Lowered the lawn mower a notch and trimmed up the lawn. Weed whacked a few spots I couldn't get with the mower. Worked in the garden, got more edging installed and delineated one of the spaces better. Weeded and trimmed back the lavender bush under the bedroom window.
It is definatley spring, I found 5 yellowjacket nests going up on the porch eaves. I am doing everything I can yard and garden wise to be as organic as possible, except where yellowjackets are concerned. There I declare all-out chemical warfare. Ace puts out a wonderful foaming jellowjacket spray, so I made the rounds of the house spraying any nests I could find. I'll see about setting up some traps later in the spring.
Got to see the kittens, boy are they getting big. Still not weaned, but they are drinking water from a bowl. So a couple more weeks at least until we can bring the little one home. All our lot were outside when J brought her over, so I introduced the little one to them. Mister nuzzled her and seemed to like her, KiKi nuzzled and growled and nuzzled and hissed and nuzzled. Not sure if she likes her or not, KiKi is such a flake hehehehe. Freddy kept running away, but he does get shy around other humans, so he may have been freaked by the neighbors being over.