Wandered up to sit outside the Commons at lunch today. Where I was sitting is just off the right edge of the cam. Oh, was it nice, except for the sidewalk preacher who was making a nuisance of himself. I ended up cranking the volume of my little FM radio to drown him out. Luckily he finally wandered out of earshot so I didn't have to listen to him haraunge students. I don't mind folk who are religious, I just wish they would quite pushing their beliefs down other peoples throats. He could have just as easily have set up a table and talked quietly to anyone who walked up and was interested. But no, he had to froth at the mouth and annoy people. Ahhh, spring, brings out the fruitcakes and dingbats.
If you look at the webcam, just to the right of the column on the Commons there is a little structure resembling a wall. That is the Writing on the Wall Project that was put up by UI students and student groups. It was amazing reading some of the words, tho never in my life would I have thought of "Navy Brat" as being used in a hateful way. I was born and raised a Navy Brat and am darned proud of it and proud that my Dad served in the US Navy (even when the US Navy turned on him and many officers his age and jettisoned them just short of their 20, leaving them without benifits. All in the name of having a more "youthful" military).
If you look at the webcam, just to the right of the column on the Commons there is a little structure resembling a wall. That is the Writing on the Wall Project that was put up by UI students and student groups. It was amazing reading some of the words, tho never in my life would I have thought of "Navy Brat" as being used in a hateful way. I was born and raised a Navy Brat and am darned proud of it and proud that my Dad served in the US Navy (even when the US Navy turned on him and many officers his age and jettisoned them just short of their 20, leaving them without benifits. All in the name of having a more "youthful" military).