"If someone tries to talk to
you about your weight in a way
that is shaming or inappropriate, be assertive.
Firmly tell her or him that your body is your
own personal business. Tell that person to pay
attention to her or his own body and to
leave yours alone."
Erdman, Cheri K. Live large! ideas, affirmations &
actions for sane living in a larger body.
HarperCollins, 1997
you about your weight in a way
that is shaming or inappropriate, be assertive.
Firmly tell her or him that your body is your
own personal business. Tell that person to pay
attention to her or his own body and to
leave yours alone."
Erdman, Cheri K. Live large! ideas, affirmations &
actions for sane living in a larger body.
HarperCollins, 1997