Such a nice day, I'm playing hookey in a couple of hours (no problems, my supervisor already took off for the afternoon to do the same thing :D ). I think I'll go home and plant some lettuce seeds. My supervisor (who is going home to play in HER garden) said lettuce loves cold weather and now is a good time to plant. In fact she planted her lettuce a week ago.

Not too many plans for the weekend outside of playing in the garden. We're going over to our friends who are babysitting our beer and cracking open a bottle to see how it is coming along. She gardens too so I'll maybe see what she might have starts of that I can put in my garden. I am bound and determined to have lots of yummy fresh veggies of my own to supplement what we will be buying at the green grocer's and the farmer's market. There is something soul satisfying to eat something you've grown yourself.

We've friends coming down from Canada next week for a few days, so I do need to finish straigthening up the place and plan menus. We'd hoped to go to the first cowboy shoot of the year next weekend, giving our friends a chance to try it out, but the budget looks like it won't stretch that far. So we'll probably just go out to our local range and spend an afternoon shooting there instead. Or, we may go fishing, it has been a while since I've had a freezer full of fresh trout awaiting to be eaten :D
