Glutton for punishment

Why oh why do I keep on reading a book I am not particularly interested in? Esp since I work in a library and can return it and find a new one.

I just finished one of the newer Xanth novels we have and am very dis-satisfied with the whole experience. Now don't get me wrong, I love the Xanth novels, at least the early ones, I have about 10 of them in my collection. But the last several I've read have left me flat, and I LOVE puns :D But they feel quite labored and in a couple of cases, it feels like he's beating folk around the head with THE MESSAGE he seems to have of late (in the case of the last couple was tolerance and the character of Breanna of the Black Wave). Now, I don't mind themes, such as talking about tolerance and such, but it when it beats you over the head in several books and the charactor starts getting obnoxious in her complaints and behavior and has turned into a one note charactor, then it is time to give it up and find something else to write about. Sigh! I probably should know better, Piers Anthony tends to get this way with his various series.

Oh well, tomorrow I will find something else to read. Maybe a mystery or more fantasy.
