What a scam!

I am not buying into the low carb diet madness, all these diets are fads that next week will see articles showing that the experts were wrong and there is a better way to eat. Hmmmm, remember how everyone was supposed to eat eggs 'cuz they were so good for you, then a small study came out and suddenly eggs were evil incarnate and we had to avoid them like a plague, then another study came out to say eggs really were good for you and to go ahead and eat them. Someday the powers that be are going to figure out that one size doesn't fit all when it comes to food and people and just get back to some basic common about listening to what your body says and learn to eat normally.

But back to the scam. Someone on another board was looking at a package of Atkins low carb chips and noticed the price. She then calculated that those things were running $80 a pound!!!!!! Ye bloody gods!?!?!?!?! I'm in the wrong line of business!. I was at the grocery store and was perusing the spaghetti sauces and saw that Ragu had a low carb alfredo sauce. I decided to compare it to their regular alfredo sauce. Well, the low carb one was a whole 2 grams of carb per serving, the regular one was a whole 3 grams of carb per serving. The low carb bottle was also selling for about a $1 more a jar then the regular. Like I said, I am in the wrong damned business. If I didn't have any ethics or morals I to can come up with stuff, slap a low carb lable on it and make a ton of money before the bubble burst.
