I highly recommend Ninotchka (1939) with Greta Garbo. A truely sweet movie and one that was made by someone who understood movies, loved movies and knew how to make a good movie, unlike the bean counters in charge of Hollywierd today.
I am very glad there is a strong independant film industry in the US
that is putting out decent movies, a good movie industry out of
Australia, New Zealand and England, all of whom still understand what
movie making is all about. I am getting tired of movies that are geared
for nothing but the bottom line and have been marketed to death and are
proclaimed blockbusters when they barely even break even.
Movies shouldn't rely on special effects and lack of story. Special
effects should support the story and should not be noticable.
Hollywierd needs to follow Peter Jackson's lead and learn how he did it
(tho in my personal opinion, he didn't rely on special effects, he's
got Middle Earth hidden somewhere in New Zealand and everything was
shot on location )
I am very glad there is a strong independant film industry in the US
that is putting out decent movies, a good movie industry out of
Australia, New Zealand and England, all of whom still understand what
movie making is all about. I am getting tired of movies that are geared
for nothing but the bottom line and have been marketed to death and are
proclaimed blockbusters when they barely even break even.
Movies shouldn't rely on special effects and lack of story. Special
effects should support the story and should not be noticable.
Hollywierd needs to follow Peter Jackson's lead and learn how he did it
(tho in my personal opinion, he didn't rely on special effects, he's
got Middle Earth hidden somewhere in New Zealand and everything was
shot on location )