Catch up

Palouse Pride was on Aug 10 and I borrowed the canopy from a friend and I got down early to set up.  Ms Ella and Vinnie da Moose sat out front to watch the happenings:

This puppy was ready for a very sunny day:

My friend and neighbor Tina was out and about with her camera, so she was able to get a couple snaps of me and my booth:

Had a WONDERFUL time! Talked with lots of folk, gave out a bunch of my business cards and also sold a few items, one being one of the mobiles I made to a computer engineer who loved them. While I didn't sell as much as I had hoped, I did make enough to cover the cost of my booth, lunch and a small profit (okay, not really a profit when I factor in all the materials I'd bought, my time to make things and what not, but my bank balance was in the black so I am a very happy camper LOL!)

It got pretty hot that day, glad I'd brought a couple spray bottle fans. I was misting myself down quite a bit.

Vinnie da Moose was a big hit with a number of little kids. One even tried to make off with him. Luckily her dad grabbed her before Vinnie fell over onto her, Vinnie was 3 times her size and while he isn't that heavy we might have had one very upset little and that would not be good.

Someone else attempted to try and talk me out of Vinnie, had to tell him that he wa a package deal with Ms Ella and she would be very sad to lose her boyfriend.

Pretty fried by the end of the festival, I had things down and packed in pretty good time and had hubby pick me up. Luckily he could drive the van pretty far into the park so I didn't have to haul things too far. WAY too fried to even think about dinner, so hubby was a sweetie and had ordered chicken from Winco, so I didn't have to do much other then fall down in my chair and eat.

All in all, I had a blast. Do need to figure out better ways to display my jewelry. Need to haunt the thrift shops for stands to hang things off of. Can't wait for next year. Have to see about getting a canopy of my own. Discovered they come in purple!!!!!!!!!

Made a DIY light box out of a small cardboard box and tissue paper:

I have to say, my jewelry looks SOOOOOO much better when I photographed the new pieces:

Not sure if I will go back and re-shoot my older pieces, I might for a few select ones, we'll see. I still have quite a few more new ones to photograph, plus a number of mini light catchers I need to get posted into my Etsy shop. Speaking of shops, I also have opened one in the marketplace. Square is what I use to take credit card payments for my shop. Very convenient and easy to use. My shop there is here. Just a few items at the moment, but it puts my stuff in front of more audiences.

I need to make a bigger light box to get decent photos of my mini light catchers. Also need a way to get really good photos of my large light catchers and my mobiles. Won't be making anymore jewelry for a while, I have quite a lot in stock, so will be working on my photography. Slowly learning how to use my camera and getting quite a few nice pics.

One more Friday off, then school is back in session and I go back to my regular schedule. SIGH! Summers used to be so much longer, still can't figure out when they got short.
