Hit Goodwill on Sunday and came away with a vase filled with odds and sods jewelry:



Mostly junk jewelry, but lots of chunky beads and such I can use elsewhere, there were also a couple really nice necklaces with some great shells on them. May have to see about going back and getting a couple more vases (and then donate the vases to the Hope Center to spread the wealth LOL!).

Was trying to get some new photos of the pendants I made, but Scrapper kept being utterly cute:

Scrapper supervising my pnoto shoot

You can see some of the jewelry I got in the vase under Scrapper. Proof that cat are related to dragons. I had them laid out on the table and he promptly jumped up and made himself comfortable on the pile of sparklies LOL!

Have to build myself a decent light tent, none of the photos I took of the pendants turned out very well. I will be working with a friend in a couple weeks to get more pictures with her as my model, mostly the earrings and I think I will have her wear the pendants also. Hope the weather is really nice by then and I can do the shoot outside in natural light.

We hit Lewiston on Saturday, luckily the weather stayed pretty nice, tho we drove thru a one mile long snow storm on the way home. Scored a 78 oz container of coconut oil at Costco for cooking, subbed a bit of it for butter in a potato dish last night and it gave it a lovely slightly coconutty flavor that was quite yummy. Can't wait to try more recipes with it.

Celebrated Oestara on Saturday night, a very enjoyable evening and a fun rit. Took some black beads I had along to see if anyone knew what they were:


They used to be a necklace I got after my one grandma died and I went thru her jewelry. They are pretty heavy so not sure what they were. My friend figures they are old glass beads and gave me some old beads off an old lamp I can use with the others:


Can't wait to see what I will come up with with them. She also gave me a couple really sparklie necklaces and a bracelet of super sparklie clear and blue beads she didn't want. They were SOOOOO not her colors and I have a bracelet from the Goodwill score that is pieces of shell that will go very nicely with then in some new pieces.
