I'm back!

Not that I really went anywhere. Haven't had much to post and was sick this last weekend (dear body, 3 day weekend is NOT code for "let's get sick!") so thus lack of posting.

Finished an art piece I hope to have on display at a local shop that has monthly art shows. Was originally going to submit photos for consideration, decided on mobiles and light catchers instead. So hopefully they will accept them for the show. Fingers crossed.


The hardest part of the whole thing is coming up with an artists statement. I hope the one I wrote is okay. I can write, but that was the hardest paragraph I've ever written in my life. Self-promotion isn't one of my strong points.

Watched a LOT of Netflix this last weekend, lots and lots of murder for the most part. FINALLY getting to see all the Midsomer Murders I haven't seen. When I usually caught it it was always the same 5 episodes I'd seen before.
