SQUEEEE!!!! My first show!

FINALLY hung my photos this morning at the Gritman Community Wellness Center. I have 9 up, 5 B&W and 4 color. Spent yesterday getting everything I needed to get ready done.

The hubby and I got there a bit early as I needed time to get my brain settled and figure out how I wanted to hang the photos. Then the previous artist came in to retrieve her pieces. My friend Deb was supposed to be there, but she couldn't make it so the hubby and I were on our own.


So we had the wall and hangers:

My first show!

The hubby whipped out a small measuring tape and we got the wires and hooks adjusted and I proceeded to hang the photos:

My first show!

My first show!

Took a bit of adjusting, but we got them and the placards up and almost on level:

My first show!

Hanging photos is harder then it looks. But it is up and will be for the next 3 weeks.

My first show!


Geri said…
yellowdoggranny said…
hot dang...good for you...that's wonderful news.