Help with the relief efforts for Japan

Royalties from the sale of this t-shirt will go to the Japanese Red Cross to help with relief efforts:

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for more products donated by other Zazzle artists and designers for the earthquake and tsunami relief efforts.

Other places you can donate:

Below are organizations that mobilize relief efforts for countries hit by disasters.

AMERICAN RED CROSS: Emergency Operation Centers are opened in the affected areas and staffed by the chapters. Donate here

SAVE THE CHILDREN: Mobilizing to provide immediate humanitarian relief in the shape of emergency health care and provision of non-food items and shelter. Donate here.

AMERICARES: Emergency team is on full alert, mobilizing resources and dispatching an emergency response manager to the region. Donate here.

GLOBALGIVING: Established a fund to disburse donations to organizations providing relief and emergency services to victims of the earthquake and tsunami. Donate here

INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL CORPS: Putting together relief teams, as well as supplies, and are in contact with partners in Japan and other affected countries to assess needs and coordinate our activities. Donate here
