Finally succumbed to something

Ended up out sick from work Wednesday and Thursday. Back today, I'm fine as long as I take it easy. Poor hubby is down with what ever it is. Not the flu thank goodness, but what ever it is, it is a pain. Started feeling like crap late Tuesday, woke up with a slight fever and the start of a cough on Wednesday morning. So decided to stay home. Slept a lot and short circuited the cough before it really got started.

Got up Thursday, was feeling not too bad as long as I didn't move. Started moving and ick! So stayed home and rested more.

Since hubby is not feeling well I have the car today. Didn't luck out on getting a close street spot to park, maybe when I get back from lunch.

Weather has definitely taken a turn for the colder. We turned the furnace back on the other day and we'll pull this bedroom AC first chance we get. Have to pull the backdoor and window inserts out of te shed so we have room to put the AC in. Kitties are NOT happy about being locked in at night, but it is too cold now to have the kitty window open.

No major plans for the weekend. If the weather is decent enough on Sunday will look at more painting on the south side. Otherwise we have the first 2 seasons of Red Dwarf and 3 episodes of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy to watch (I really, really love Netflix!). I'll see what I can cook up, I am thinking about finally getting some chick peas soaked and maybe look at a crock pot of soup. I still have some turkey stock that survived the Great Thaw, so we'll see.


Nan said…
Just out of curiousity, how do you know it wasn't the flu?
Janus Bellator said…
Whatever you got, it's going around up here, too. I'm okay, but all around me, people are dropping like a hooker's drawers. Not the flu. But more than just a cold.

Lots of hot liquids. Garlic. Citrus. And cranberry or blueberry (for the kidneys). Hot spices, if you can eat them -- chili peppers, etc. Eucalyptus if you can't do the peppers. Peppermint and ginger for stomach.

I'm going off the books and inventing a soup/stew with what's left of a bone-in pork picnic, some onions, celery, garlic, and a whole slew of various kinds of beans. Never done this one before. Wonder what it'll taste like? Housemate's not worried -- says I haven't poisoned him, yet.

I can almost hear Rum Tum purring in anticipation of snow...
JeanC said…
Pretty much no flu symptoms. Just felt ick. Flu I've had and dealt with, this wasn't it. Of course on a campus of several thousand students who spent the summer elsewhere, they will bring back all sorts of bugs so we get our pick of what to come down with :P

I was definitely doing LOTS of hot liquids. We use a 30 cup coffee urn to make tea in and I was very generous with the medicinal alcohol LOL. I was going rather nuts trying to come up wit something spicy enough and oddly enough, salty to eat. Usually when I get sick I like big greasy peperoni pizzas and fried chicken.

Dame Janus, that recipe should come out fine. I did something similar a while back with and it was seriously yum.

Yeah, Rum Tum is anxious. He's gotten extra fluffy of late and more fur on the bottom of his feet.
Janus Bellator said…
I've added corn and winter squash (in this case, pumpkin) to the recipe, and I'm calling it Three Sisters. Whether it ends up being a soup or a stew will depend entirely on how thick it can get before I lose all patience and tuck into it.
Nan said…
The reason I asked was several people here at work have been sick with what they thought was probably just a cold, complete with nasal congestion, but because of where we all work (large federal agency with an emphasis on public health) did request Rapid Influenza Diagnosis testing -- and the tests were positive for pandemic (H1N1) 2009. Nasal congestion is not at all typical of flu, so they were surprised.