Happy first day of Spring y'all

And it actually feels like spring too. The temp when I got up was 41F and while it is a bit overcast, the sun has been peeking out. Another sign of spring is the local crop duster, hubby heard it yesterday, so it is most definitely spring.

So I am really getting ancy to get out and start digging in the dirt. I should see what seeds I can get started this weekend so I can have something to plant when the time comes. Just need to figure out where in the house I can do that without the kitties killing any seedlings.

On the crud front, I am starting to get better. Broke down and bought some of the musinex stuff, the name brand as it was on sale and a bit cheaper then the generic. Jeeze that stuff is expensive, but it seems to be doing the job. I take 1-2 tabs every 12 hours and it is working as advertised.

I'm planning on not doing a whole heck of a lot this weekend, going to try and get more rest and finish shaking off the crud. At least I'm getting sleep and not coughing the night away.

Watched a really, really bad movie from Netflix last night. It is called Project Moon Base and when I say bad, I mean so bad it was painful to watch. Robert A Heinlein's name is on it, apparently he worked on it, as a tv pilot and then the producers decided to make it a movie for theatre instead and added a crap load of crap and Bob washed his hands of it. I don't blame him. I had to finish watching it, it was so much like watching a slow motion train wreak. You want to look away, but just can't. Luckily we picked up some better movies from Netflix to make up for it.

Currently re-reading "Colour of Magic" by Terry Pratchett. They are running the movie on Ion channel this Sunday, so I thought I should refresh my memory of the book. I'd read it once, way back when and had troubles with it, so much so I didn't pick up another Pratchett book for a very long time. Now that I am more familiar with Discworld, the book is a much easier read.


Nan said…
Prachett's definitely an acquired taste. I remember reading one of his books and wondering why he was so popular -- then a few years later I tried again and was hooked.
JeanC said…
Most definitely. I think I finally was able to get into the series with Moving Pictures and then shortly thereafter the Witch series. My favorite arcs are the Witches and Death. Hubby prefers the Night Watch series.