It snowed some yesterday and today it is still cold and a bunch of the snow is still left.


It is fine up in the mountains adding to the snow pack, but I WANT IT GONE FROM MY YARD!!!!!!!

I am so ready for spring it isn't funny. I am tired of being cold and I am tired of not being able to go out and play in the dirt, which is currently frozen solid.


Time to get working on the herb pot for my kitchen. Just have to decide if I am going to start with plants or seeds.

At least it is Friday and the sun is shining. I am hoping it does make it up to the near 40F temps they are predicting, that should melt off the last of the snow.

Not too many plans for the weekend. Got the Huckleberry Online Blogfest to go to and am looking forward to visiting with folk. I will have my cameras so I can get plenty of pictures and vid of all the folk and fun.

I need to start another batch of the 5 minute bread. It will probably be the master dough, tho if I can work it out, maybe the spinach and feta dough also. I am going to take one of the dough balls out of the freezer this weekend to let thaw and give some English muffins a try. I don't have molds for them, so will have to figure something out. I am liking being able to make batches of dough that is easy to make into bread. I just need to get some more lidded containers so I can have multiple batches or even stagger batches so I will always have dough in the fridge.

I think this weekend will also be a soup weekend, I'm thinking split pea soup as I have a ham bone that needs to be used at some point.


Billy C. said…
Just gotta love spring Jean!! :) I do!