Tuesday (can't think of a clever title, sorry)

Sun is shining, the temps are pushing 40F and I had a fun weekend. No more long weekends for a while tho. Oh well.

Getting the video stuff sorted out, so hopefully I will be putting better quality vids up, esp the "Cooking with Jean" segments since I also want to post those to my cooking blog.

A number of the YouTube video bloggers are getting into print blogs. Backwards to how I did it, print first then video. But it all is good, makes for more interesting blogs with the various media available. I've added a couple of the YouTuber's who have blogs to my "Misc neat blogs" list (for readers of my Blogger version of this blog), Billybigun64 and Country Comes to Town, check them out.

Still trying to catch the Shadow kitten so I can put him back outside. TC showed up this morning so hubby put him in the house to eat as we didn't have time to put food out on the porch. Phoebe is happy as can be with the snow going away, she was VERY vocal yesterday about getting back outside to run around in the sun. Nicky is still being a needy little snot, doesn't need to be as I make sure he gets all the attention he can stand. I think he'll be better once he starts going back out side more now that the weather is getting warmer.

Finally checked out the space behind the deck, I was afraid there would be LOTS of water in my wheel barrow, but lucked out, there wasn't much. What there was was soaked up by the rug remnant I use for kneeling on and it was frozen, as were my gardening glove. My shears were a bit worse for wear, but I can dremel what rust there is off.

I have GOT to get serious about getting my greenhouse going, it is getting time to start looking at what I am going to get sprouted and I need space to do it. Now that we have the little trailer, I can also get compost from the county so I can start building up my beds. I would like to raise them some, I can get bricks or something at Wasankari's for a reasonable price. So have to decide which bed I will look at raising first. Probably the one around the shed, that will dress it up and look good from the road. The front flower bed will take work as I have a TON of plants I will have to dig up before I can raise it.

The rib roast came out to die for. Seriously tender and perfectly rare. The yorkshire pudding was good, tho they didn't stay popped up like they usually are, but they were still yummy (esp with a bit of brown sugar on them and then the gravy). Had leftover roast for dinner last night, a bit for lunch today and there is still a slice, tho I think I will save that for hubby. I still have one more rib roast in the deep freeze, so I can cook it up in a few weeks. Will have to seriously stock up on those next Christmas if they have them for that good a price again.

Prof posted the test results to Blackboard, not sure how she curved, but I didn't bomb completely. We'll see tomorrow what my grade actually was.


Jim said…
Hey Jean. Thanks for the shoutout! Actually, I blogged for three years and then gave it up when I got into YouTube. But, I really did miss it and finally just decided to do both. That standing rib roast description has me hungry now! LOL I'm in Savannah, GA tonight. -Jim
JeanC said…
One of these days I am going to get to the South and check it out. I hear there is some pretty good food out that away :D