Hernia?!?!?! WHAT hernia??????

THAT'S a hernia??? Oh, okay, wish someone had mentioned it before. Seems I have a fairly large hernia on my upper tummy that no one has bothered to mention until now. I do like a doctor who not only LISTENS to me, but is observant. Best guess is I got it when I was taking aqua fitness and was doing crunches, before then my upper tummy was flat. WOULD HAVE BEEN NICE IS MY PREVIOUS DOCTORS HAD MENTIONED SOMETHING!!!!!


I just thought is was extra compact tummy fat and didn't worry at all about it. The doc says it isn't critical and just to avoid lifting heavy objects and be careful.

Yeah right, me be careful LOL. I'm the one who usually plunges right in and tries to do it all myself. Oh well, I guess this is a sign I need to start asking for more help when puttering around and building things and setting up my garden.

Besides that little bombshell, the appointment went fine. My blood work came back, he is worried about my white blood count being low, then again, it's been low for quite some time and I'm not worried. Apparently I am a bit anemic, but we forgot to discuss that as we'd gotten sidetracked on the white blood count issue.

We mentioned the hot flashes to the doc and the next blood draw will include hormone levels to see if I am heading into menopause land. Since my thyroid levels are fine, that might explain some of the symptoms I am thinking were hypo related. So we will do that in April.

Still no clue as to what is causing the twitching. He checked side effects of my meds, nope, none of them would cause it, so it is a case of sit and wait and see what might be triggering them. So I will be keeping a log of them. Same for my headaches. Been getting those 3-4 times a week, usually on my right side just above my eye. It has been years since I've had a full blown migraine, so not sure if they are related.

So, all in all, it was a good appointment, tho it involved THAT exam. The least they could do is put a poster of Tom Selleck on the ceiling :D


Chimera said…
Hiatus hernia, huh? Me mom had one of those for years. She finally got it to go away by sleeping with the head of her bed raised a couple inches higher (not too much higher) than the foot. It took months for the hernia to tuck itself away again and heal the tear, but the alternative was invasive surgery.

Twitching? As in tics? How's your calcium level?
JeanC said…
I don't drink milk on a regular basis, tho I do take calcium citrate caps (tho I am currently in my I don't wanna take anymore pills phase, just the naproxine and my ATDs). I should get back to taking them all :P

I thought a hiatus hernia was all inside. I've added a note to this pic showing where it is:


Have to look at the bed thing, tho not sure if it is practical with our bed, it is on a pedestal.