Baby pics

Finally sat down with the photo albums my mom sent with all sorts of pics and the USB flatbed scaner and decided to see what I could get.

So here are some baby pics (okay, toddler pics):

First fomral pic with my stuffed bunny Bun Bun (who I still have :D ):

First formal portrait with my stuffed bunny Bun Bun

At Grandma and Grandpa's house:

Late '61 or early '62

Baby in a box:

Baby in a box

I so wish I still had that blonde hair:

Spring of '62

Christmas in Kauai:

Christmas of '62

I'll post more photos as I go along.


MarmiteToasty said…
oh how sweet...... Im one of those boring people that LOVE to look at others photos LOL even their holiday photos....... :)

JeanC said…
Me too :D