WOO HOOOO!!!!!!!!

Happy dance!!!!!!

It arrived fine, of course I was still cleaning out the old one, so I went into hyperdrive and it is amazing how much I decided didn't need to get saved. Found a few things that protested being thrown out, but into the bin they went.

Hubby was amazed I wasn't taking video of the guys setting the fridge up, I told him I wasn't THAT bad a video fiend hehehehehehe. I got pics of it afterwards before I put anything in it LOL.

We had to take the ice maker kit back to Tri-State to get one that had a water filter in it. We'd just gotten the basic one. I drilled holes in the bottom of cabinets and hubby got the business end hooked up under the sink and then he drove me into work. Got a report later he got the ice maker hooked up and running. Now we are just waiting for ice cubes.

I'll see about finishing the painting of the kitchen wall tomorrow so I can get everything back into place. I won't bother taking down the shelf brackets, I'll just paint around them, maybe even paint them.

I was looking at the deep freeze next to the new fridge and realized how TINY the deep freeze is. Almost tempting to see about buying a bigger one hehehehehehehe. Not for quite a while yet, the one we have is still good and I just need to arrange things better and inventory things so I know what I've got and can use it all better.

I've a few items that will be going on the local freecycle list, just not using them much anymore and I can use the space they are taking up for something else.

Been taking video of George II, he's one very happy plecostomus. I've been considering renaming him (or her) Hoover, the way he's been at the algae in the tank. The skull is very nearly back to white and he's been going to town on the algae on the plants (fake ones, don't want to get into live plants just yet. If ever). I think I'll stay with George II for him (or her). I wonder if there is a way to tell if plecos are boys or girls?

Lost one of the LMCs (neon tetras). Down to 3 now, so I can probably call them Larry, Moe and Curly once I figure out who is who. The Georges are still doing fine and the boy guppies are so much fun to watch. Phoebe LOVES watching the fish, tries and catches them. She also loves to drink the water off the filter as it cycles up and back LOL.
