'Tis Monday, again.

So hubby survived the procedure on Friday, tho the doc didn't find the stone. We are hoping it is because it manage to pass out and wasn't hiding somewheres to cause trouble later. The doc said he checked everywhere. We'll see.

Means hubby is staying on a low fat diet for a while and is definately off alcohol for the foreseeable future, poor guy.

I was a bit dismayed when I realized I knew the fastest ways to and from the hopital when I had to run home to get his CPAP again (the anestithist wanted it just in case) and was pretty much home and back in a little over 10 minutes, and that included running in to the house to grab it and a bag.

Fairly low key weekend. Didn't get out fishing, it was too cold and windy yesterday. I also had a planning meeting for Solstice this next weekend and once I got home I was down for the count I was in desperate need of a nap.

Saturday my friend came over and we got a goodly amount of my garden in. He planted Luna carrots (they are white), greek oregano, tomatos, squash and a few other things. I got a goodly chunk of the rest fo the space weeded, still have one spot to weed. He also had leftover carrots and tomatos I need to get into pots or in the ground ASAP. I was too tired from weding and shoveling compost on Sat and of course too tired on Sunday. So with luck I can get things in the ground tonight.

Got my papers turned in, so that is done.

Discovered KiKi LOVES Doritos Blazing Buffalo Wings and Ranch doritos. SIGH! I had a heck of a time keeping her out of the bag. Silly kitty. Cats are not supposed to like spicy hot stuff, or at least that's what I keep telling her, she just won't believe me.

Slowly making headway in cleaning the house and the porch. Finally toosed all the remains of last years plants and all onto the compost pile, tho the container I made out of the two liter bottle with the yellow jackets nest got squished and tossed in the garbage can. I wasn't going to attempt to clean that one out. Spaking of yellow hackets, I need to get more spray and declare this years war. I counted 10 nests on t e porch eave and I know there are at least 6 in the shed. I did get the one trap set up, so hopefully I can get a few that way.
