Lazy day

Sort of. Been puttering about some, making headway on the living room. Yesterday I got all the breakables off the one bookshelf and those stashed. When the rug rat arrives the alter will get cleared off, but I'll wait until then.

Been raining most of the day, sun is finally out, well, it was a minute ago LOL.

Ostara was wonderful, we started after dark, of course as soon as we started, it started sprinkling. It wasn't bad and the light rain felt rather nice. It didn't last long and we finished up rit with the moon peeking thru the clouds. I ended up grabbing some chips and pastel colored gummi bunnies from the dollar store as I never got around to doing any baking.

Went to the gun show yesterday, ended up buying a collapsable walking stick. I've been looking for one and this has a knob that unscrews and you can screw on a camera to use it as a mono-pole. I also picked up a V attachment to use it as a mono-pole for shooting. I did manage to loose the rubber tip somewhere int he circle last night, the ground was a bit soft and I was leaning on the pole. Oh well, a sacrifice to the Goddess hehehehehehe.

Decided I was tired of the color of my clock, I'd dyed it a light forest green about 20 years ago, so I hauled out a couple of packets of scarlet dye I had in the cupboard and it is now a nifty shade of scarlet. I do need to come up with some kind of closure for it, it kept falling off during circle. I'm thinking some kind of frog, maybe in a Celtic design. I've used broaches previously, but nver have been happy with the effect.

I've got a pork roast in the oven, slow roasting at 300F with Old Bay seasoning. Smelling very yummy, Not sure what I'll do for a side, most likely rice since that is pretty much all I have (unless I've got more potato stuff stashed int he deep freeze).

Got the race recorded, we'll watch it in a bit.

I've been off my loratidine again, haven't had as many allergy problems in the last few days (knock on wood). I really do have to do something about the power cords under the head board, Rum Tum unplugged the light and my CPAP again.

Subscribed to a new YouTube channel the other day, Tommy Chong of Cheech & Chong is now on YouTube. Due to language, most of the vids are not family friendly and may be very iffy for work, but it is funny stuff.
