A good day to stay in bed

Really, really, really didn't want to wake up this morning, I kept falling back asleep even tho the radio alarm had gone off and the light had switched on. I only got up when the alarm turned off and then went back on again at 8am (it has a dual alarm setting).

Needless to say, I'm seriously dragging this morning.

I've started taking my loratadine right before bed, the allergist had mentioned doing that at bedtime, so am wondering if that is part of the reason it was so hard waking up this morning (that and not getting to bed until 11:30 pm).

No major plans this weekend, except Ostara planning on Sunday. So just need to putter around and do more cleaning and decluttering. Our friends may not come down, due to some changes in their household, and may come down later in the year. But I plan on having things set so we are ready if they do make it down in April.

OOOOOOOOOO! I see some sunshine, hopefully it there will be a lot more. I'm hoping it will be nice tomorrow so I can open up the house again.

Scrapper came in last night, still had to "encourage" him over the door sill, but once I scooted him thru he didn't try and turn and run back out like he usually does. He went straight to the kitty condo and asked for scritches. This morning he came down and jumped in my lap when I was on the couch when I gestured to him. I also never heard a peep out of him all night about wanting to go outside and the blind in the kitchen hadn't been messed with, so I think he is getting the idea that being inside at night is a good thing. Nicky hardly paid attention to him, tho was a little miffed Scrapper was in my lap this morning where HE is supposed to be.

We've a new toy on order, hopefully it will be here in a few days. It is a Canon ZR500 and will let me do a lot more filming. The one nice thing is if it turns out to not be what we want for various reasons (a couple reviews complained about the noise from the motor being picked up on the tape), we can return it. I like TigerDirect, we've always had pretty good dealings with them. But it will be nice to not have the time limitation of the SMall Wonder, which can be used for quick blogs and such.


Anonymous said…
Glad to hear that you've had good experiences with us at TigerDirect - and you are going to enjoy the ZR500. I actually use the ZR500 for some of our TigerTV clips and find it to be a great camera.


Lonny Paul
Director of Interactive Media