Kitty cat Wednesday (and my new shotgun)

KiKi and Ms Ella

Rum Tum at rest

Rum Tum and my new shotgun

My new shotgun


Chimera said…
Nice birding piece. The bottom photo, I mean (and do not teach Rum Tum how to shoot -- the local fauna seems to be in enough danger). Pheasant? Grouse? Partridge? Recipes to follow?

By th' way, everyone here at the Cavern loves that family photo!
JeanC said…
Not sure yet, have to learn bird hunting. Still do't know if I can actually shoot soemthing for food.

Nope, Rum Tum definately doesn't get to learn how to shoot. He's got his own means of hunting and I'm not sharing my new shotgun with anyone except my hubby hehehehehehe.

Isn't that a great photo. It is very rare I actually can get all three in one spot (more or less) since KiKi doesn't want ANYTHING to do with the other two.