
So here it is Friday, I'm at home instead of halfway across Oregon on my way to the coast. Oh well, some other time.

Been puttering around today, we'd stopped at Winco last night and picked up some fresh pork hams for 98 cents a pound, so one is in the oven slow roasting as I write. I'll put the other from the package into the freezer and the other two will go into the crockpot at some point this weekend and get turned into shredded pork for the freezer.

Picked the last of the tomatos, tho the ones that had turned an interesting shade of beige got left. I've the dehydrator going with sweet onions and I just combined a couple of the trays of those into one and added some of the already ripe tomatos I got the other day.

Been playing with YouTube. Did an experimental vid to see if I like the idea of Vblogging. Not sure I like it, we'll see. Since I've had the account for over a week, I can customize my URL, so it is now tho the other one I posted for links will still work.

Been puttering about, got a load of laundry done and put away, along with yesterdays laundry from the drier. Got more of the deck cleared off. Measured the locker out there and it is big enough for the plastic shelves we have in the house, now I just need to find the ones hubby says he has extras of and get them put in and then I can store stuff out there more effciently (including tools and such).

Took some pics to submit to the 5th Annual Blogger Boobie-thon. Have to get them processed and submitted. So all you folk out there who want to support raising money for breast cancer research, check out the link. I'll be putting a clickable banner off to the left as soon as I get that from the site and set up.

And no, I won't say which ones are mine, I'll let people look and guess hehehehehehe
