Return of the late night visitor

Got back from Lammas Circle last night to see the late night visitor was back:

Hey Chimera! Can you do your skunk whipsering again and convince them to move on permanently?


yellowdoggranny said…
what about sprinkling cayene pepper around?...i have a opposum that comes by 4-5 times a week..i keep dry cat food for wild cats and he comes by and eats it..and if i dont, he knocks the top off the jar that holds the food and eats it out of jar...i have named him..potsie..
i also have a skunk once in awhile..and i live in the city...ha
Anonymous said…
It's amazing where people are finding skunks. They are like coyotes, very adaptable and quite willing to take up city life.

Have to consider the cayenne pepper idea. I think one was looking for the food I put out for Scrapper last night, but took in as soon as it got dark (and after Scrapper had his dinner).
Chimera said…
I tried doing the whisper thing again, but I don't know how long it will work. Two things may get in the way -- for one, I'm splitting my energy at the moment (doing a handfasting in Washington plus a distance healing to somewhere Back East) and animals may become used to the whispers and progressively ignore them. Just like bacteria will progressively ignore antibiotics.

Have you thought about adopting a horned owl?
Anonymous said…
We've actually had a great horned owl in residence before, problem there is they find kitty cats to be yummy dinners :(

Haven't seen hide nor hair of the skunks for several days, so it may have worked (that and no food outside for them).