Garden pics

Here are some pics of my garden:

The rhubarb is very happy this year:

My Shasta daisy's came back as did my columbine and irises. My lavender is ailing, I need to get in and cut it back:

My front flower bed:

My tomato garden:

My bush beans are coming up well in the planters. I'll thin them out and move some to planters that don't have as many and into inverted pots:

And as promised, my hanging garden with the inverted containers:


Elvis Drinkmo said…
Lookin' good. Man, you sure are lucky to grow lavender- I've tried for about ten years and failed every time. Maybe Idaho has better growing condition than West Virginia for Lavender.

Glad to see I ain't the only one who uses those metal cage things for tomatoes. You wouldn't believe how much crap I get for using half stakes and half of those other things.
Anonymous said…
You see the tomato cages all over here. I've done both stakes and cages and the cages are the way to go.

Idaho tends towards warm and low humidity, so that my be the key to growing lavander.