Not a lazy Sunday

I got the latest batch of chicken breasts brining, they'll be ready to pull out in about an hour or less. If I take them out about 4:30 they will have been brining for about 5 hours.

Managed to get the freezer and deep freeze straightened up. I had to resort to using a pair of wool winter gloves, handling the vac bags of chicken stock I lost feeling in my fingers. Those things are COLD! I had to look a couple times to make sure I hadn't left skin on the outside of a couple bags. I flung a bunch of frozen bread bits. I'd been freezing them in anticipation of using them for homemade stove top stuffing, but I hadn't gotten around to trying it and they'd been in there the ghodz know how long, so out they went. I'll make a definate attempt next time to give it a try and use them before I forget when they went in. Probably start ziplocking them with the date they went into the freezer on the bag.

Didn't use the sliced potatos this morning, didn't feel like cooking, coffee was the best I could manage and I'd set that up last night LOL I'll do something with them for dinner, not sure what as yet. Still have to do the hamburger patties. It's early enough, I think I'll look at throwing stuff in the bread maker and make bread and possibly a couple batches of pizza dough.

Went over to a friends for Imbolc planning. We are going with a short, sweet and relatively stripped down rit, just for the inner coven

Hubby's had two clients over today, one to finish up her computer and the other a friend of hers and hubby is currently going over it with her to figure out what is needed and what needs to go to make it run better.

Weather is pretty nice today, tho a bit chilly. Rum Tum is a very happy camper, he's getting to spend most of the day outside. He did that Friday, only because hubby was in and out and didn't realize Rum Tum was out side. Boy, was Rum Tum even buzzing when he finally came home with all the things he had to say he did. What I want to know is what he managed to eat, I dumped about a pound of baking soda in the litter box last night after he used it. I'm considering renaming him to Mr Stinky As soon as the client leaves I'll haul it out to dump in the garbage and put in fresh litter (it was too late last night, didn't have time this morning and I'd rather not be hauling a stinky litter box out in front of clients. I've got a very strong pumpkin pie spice scented candle burning right next to the kitty box at the moment) .

Been doing more cleaning up in the living room. I really need to tackle the spot in the kitchen that is right off the front hallway. So much stuff has crept in from the hallway I can't get to my equipment shelves in the kitchen and it is making it difficult to get stuff in and out. Plus the rest of one set of shelves I'm giving B, our neighbor, is under the pile somewhere and she is going to need then as they are the shelf uprights. So off to do that.
