EEEKKK!!!!!! Mouse in the house!!!!

Hubby spotted a mouse running thru the kitchen last night. I promptly told Nicky he wasn't allowed to bring his little playmates in and leave them there. He ignored me LOL. Hauled him in the kitchen and put him down where hubby saw the mouse and Nicky promptly jumped up to where his kitty food was. Hopefully either he or KiKi will catch it, one of them had to have been the culprit who brought it in as I've sealed off all the little holes in the trailer when I decided Hobo spiders were not good housemates. We have a deal, I don't go under the trailer and the evil things don't come in and run the risk of being on the business end of a can of WD40 and a lighter.

The nurse was able to find a vein this morning and hit it on the first try, so I was in and out of the doctors office in less then 10 minutes. Since we had time, we popped up to Rosauers to pick up some lip balm. Rosauers was jumping, I've never seen it so busy, apparently they are having a cereal sale and people were walking out with cart loads of the stuff. Standing in line took longer then finding the lip balm.

Hopped back in the car and hubby took off and my mug of hot coffee came tumbling into my lap. I'd forgotten it was on the dashboard. SIGH!!!! Luckily it is a travel mug, so not TOOO much coffee spilled and it wasn't too terribly hot, just very annoying.

Hubby has a client tonight, they are moving and need their computer worked on before they leave the area, so I get the place to myself for a couple hours. Haven't decided what I'm going to do, just may turn on my favorite country station and curl up with a book.

Cooked steak last night the AB way (sort of as I had fries baking in the oven). Seared the steak in the cast iron pan with kosher salt, pepper and garlic powder and then into the oven it went to finish. Came out beautifully (AB's method uses a higher oven temp then I had it set for for the fries).

The probe for my Taylor thermometer had bit the dust and there is no where local to replace just it, but we found a Pyrex version that cost the same amount as just the probe if we ordered it online, so we bought it and the probe for it works with the Taylor. The only thing I dislike about the new thermometer, is the Pyrex version doesn't have a power off switch. The only on/off is for the alarm, so I'll just store it in the drawer sans battery and use it in emergencies (like if my Taylor gives up the ghost). I do have an instant read thermometer from Pyrex, works very nicely.
