Happy birthday to me!

Quiet day today. Slept in until 10am and have puttered a little since. I'll bake some homemade brownies later and we picked up peanut butter cup ice cream.

We ended up going down to Lewiston yesterday. Hit the canned goods outlet, picked up a package of bacon ends, a couple cans of corned beef hash and some tomato paste. Then off to Costco and picked up 2 of the double packs of whole chickens, 3 packages of the boneless, skinless chicken thighs (we prefer those over the breasts, more flavor), a big pork loin, a big block of sharp cheddar cheese, a 3 pound container of peeled garlic and 2 big bags of sweet corn kernels. We'd been in a couple days before to renew out membership and had picked up a 5 liter container of olive oil.

The pork loin I'll cut into 4 pieces and brine them. I plan on packaging those with marinades and freeze them. Most of the chicken thighs I'll use for dump chicken recipes. Some will be used in the furture for chicken nuggets.

The whole chickens will be cooked one a week, either roasting or possibly chicken and dumplings. The stripped carcasses will go for more chicken stock.

I repackaged the corn into meal size packages, the cheese I cut into small chucks and everything got vacuum sealed. I transfered the garlic into other containers and vacuum sealed those. I used to put the garlic into small ziplock bags and froze them. The cells break down a bit, but they cook in recipes fine.

I still have half a bag od potatos left, I'll make up more cheesy mashed potatos and garlicy mashed potatos along with some regular mashed potatos. If I have enough, I'll do more twice baked potatos using the cheese and some bacon ends.

I still have the local shopping to do, mostly powderd milk, hambuger and a few odds and ends. All in all, I have enough food to put together meals for most of a month. Hubby seems to have outgrown his problems with pasta (spaghetti would give him intestinal problems) so I can start doing up big batches of spaghetti sauces that I can also use for other dishes.

Had hoped to lay some new flooring in the bathroom. The Dollar store sells the linoleum tiles for 3 for a dollar or a box of 27 for $9, but the design we wanted wasn't in. We want to go with a black and white, the black is diamond shaped. So we'll check in a week or so and see if they get it back in.

They are harvesting the fields next door, they are almost done. It's pretty dusty now, we'd hoped to wash cars, but that is not going to happen until they are done. They have two combines inthe field and it is neat to watch.
