Quiet Sunday

Will be out at friends this afternoon at a planning meeting for next Circle. We'll be hanging out and doing potluck. I still have to figure out what we'll take to share, I've already pulled out some beef to go on the grill.

We'll be taking Mister out with us, we have a nice spot picked out to bury him. It's above the pond and right near where Patches and Adric are buried. It's a very pretty spot. Mister will like it.

Friday night I mixed the leftover potato stuff with chopped up pork roast, topped with real chedder cheese and tossed that in the oven. Since I had the oven going, I put in 10 of the biggest potatos I had in the bag. Those I baked and when they were done, cut them in half, scooped out the potato and set the skins aside. I mixed the potato with some garlic powder, italian seasoning and a coupel cups of shredded chedder. I then filled the potato skins with the mixture and put them back inthe oven for another 15 minutes. Took them out and let them cool and then popped them on the baking sheet into the freezer over night. Next morning I put them in ziplock bags and now I have twice baked potatos I can just pull out of the freezer and pop in the oven or microwave. At a fraction of the cost. Joining the Freezer Friendly list is paying off already. I'm planning on doing mashed potatos to finish off the potatos before they all go off (one is already spouting) and then putting portions in the freezer also

Made my laundry soap yestrday. Here are some pics:

Gather materials, Fels Naptha, washing soda and 5 gallon bucket

Grate Fels Naptha into pot

Add 4 cups of water and heat on medium

Stir until all the soap chips are dissolved

Pour dissolved soap mix into bucket

Add 1 cup washing soda (or 1 1/2 cups if you have really hard water. Washing soda is found in the laundry section of your local mega mart. It is NOT like baking soda, it's a different critter altogether).

Pour in 4 gallons of HOT tap water and stir. Set aside and in 24 hours you will have a nice homemade laundry soap that is just pennies to use:
