A bit cooler today

Currently 87F, getting very windy and partly cloudy. It hit at least 100F yesterday according to most of the thermometers in town (some were showing as high as 104F). Not sure what the official high was, the weather station is out at the airport surrounded by lots of wheat fields and tends to be a few degrees cooler then in town.They are still predicting thunderstorms today with not a whole lotta rain in them. We're still under a red flag warning for fire, even tho the humisity has rised a lot. Things are still very dry and we've had no rain in a while.

Couldn't stand the thought of even thinking of turning the stove on yeasterday, even if we waited til sundown, so we hit Winco and grabbed some fried chicken, 6 pack of beer and some ginger ale. Got home and had shandy's (half and half of beer and ginger ale) and ate chicken. Hubby hid out in the office with the air conditioner. I went in every once in a while, but for some reason I couldn't stand being in the cold room for very long. I turned all the fans on in the living room and curled up on the couch with "Ring of Fire" edited by Eric Flint. I've read "1632" by Flint and am trying to get the rest of the series. It's great.

Went out this morning today and put coffee grounds and crushed up egg shells around my tomatos and banana peppers I have in the pots. I'm hoping that will help them grow. They've been just sitting there. The one remaining roma tomato plant is doing poorly. Have to find some plant food for it. I'm thinking next year I'll plant some lettuce where I have spinach this year, since I cut it and it grows back I can do that and use the space it is in now to plant tomatos so I have more then just what I have in pots. I won't plant as much spinach, so there will be room in the space for both the spinach and the lettuce. My broccoli is starting to flower, so I'll save the seeds from that and see about a really early start on them. May look at cold framing and possibly getting them in the ground in Februrary.
