Very eventful Tuesday morning

I'm currently on Nicky kitty's shitlist. I'd taken his food and water away last night at 8 before he finally came home for the night. Then he got a bath as everywhere he was white was dark gray. When I wet him down he smelled strongly of oil. He'd been hanging out in the equipment barn. Then this morning he didn't get his breakfast and got harnessed and leashed and tossed in the car and hauled off to the vet, where he is getting edited. He is a very forgiving kitty, tho I'm not too sure about this time around. Poor thing, but with this should make him a lot less frustrated and less of a target of daddy who is brooking no competition from any of his sons for any possible lady friends. We pick hiim up after work tonight and I will see about spoiling him as rotten as possible.

Finally heard back from my doc. I don't think she'd gotten the xray report yet, she didn't mention it, but she'd gotten my blood results and talked with the partner of the endo I am seeing in Spokane next Monday (Spokane is the closest place that has any endos and there are only 3 practices). Bottom line? I have to go off my PTU ASAP as it is dropping my white blood count that was low even lower and I am catching every bug that wanders by. In short, my meds are trying to kill me

I am not going to be able take meds for the thyroid anymore, even the other drug Tapazole. The side effects are the same and I'm just not tolerating the meds this time around :( So my options are doing the radioactive iodine (that choice has a snowballs chance in hell of my agreeing to it) or surgery to remove most or all of the thyroid. I'm opting for a partial, so while the thyroid is overactive, it is pumping way less hormone. If we go with total removal I go on thyroid replacement and that is going to be a whole different set of problems while we dial in the right amount.

One major reason I will not do RAI is I am a Hanford Downwinder baby and radioactive iodine is a very dirty set of words in my household. Also, patients who've had no eye involvement have a substantially increased risk of developing thyroid/Graves eye diesease if they had been on PTU previously to doing RAI. I've done PTU twice now, been on it almost a month now and have to take flax seed oil to keep my crawling out of their sockets as is. If you want to see what thryoid eye disease looks like, look at a picture of the actor Marty Feldman. His was a classic case of thyroid eye disease.

The doc when I talked to him the last time I saw him (we went round and round regarding RAI which he blythly said it will cure me and then all I have to do is take one pill a day the rest of my life. It ain't that simple. I hate "one size fits all" medicine. I have Graves Disease, an autoimmune disorder that ISN'T cured by RAI. All RAI does is kill the thyroid) pushed RAI, but could not give me a 100% guarantee that my eyes would not be the next problem. I have enough vision problems as is, the last thing I need to do is deliberately put them in harms way. I ain't taking no chances. I'm pushing for surgery with all my might (and hope to heck it is covered by my insurance).

Managed to get a bit of gardening done, even tho I've been feeling like crap. Finally got the tomatos and pepper starts into the laundry basket planters I made. My 2 neighbors and I went over to where we are doing our own little community garden and planted tomatos, cucumbers, bush beans and sugar snap peas. J had already planted carrots, radishes, lettuce and something I can't remember LOL. tonight (weather permitting) we'll be planting regular peas and 3 types of fast growing sweet corn. We'll look at planting some spinach there as I have seeds leftover from my little garden.
