Almost the weekend

By the time I got off work yesterday I was totally wiped out. I need to have a day off or two to recuperate from my days off :D Picked up sub sandwiches at Winco for dinner last night, a ham hobo for hubby and an Italian sub for me. Got some shredded cheese to go on them. I like to toast my subs with extra cheese on it. I may have to quit getting the Italian ones tho. The cotto salami on them is wreaking havoc on my tummy. If they would use a dry salami instead I would be much happier. One nice thing about the subs from Winco is they are $3.98 each and make a couple meals. Lots cheaper then Subway and a whole lot better (not to mention Subway pissed me off big time. I tell them no mustard on my sandwiches and they put it on anyways. It is bad enough they do this when I had them deliver, I had to watch them like a hawk when I was in the store and they STILL try and put mustard on it. Needless to say, I don't do Subway anymore).

Okay guys, women talk coming up, you might want to skip on if you don't want to hear about this stuff :D

My hot flashes started again :( They'd gone away when I switched to the Mirena IUD as birthcontrol. It was lovely to not have them anymore. I had given long thought about switching from the Pill to an IUD, I'm old enough to rememmber the whole Dalcon Shield fiasco and it made me a bit nervous. But I am over 40 and had been on the pill for a number of years and didn't want to be on it long term. So I figured the IUD was the best way to go, last for 5 years and I do like the fact that my periods have subsided to next to nothing, tho I still have to deal with PMS occasionally.

But back to the hot flashes. I slipped into perimenopause a couple of years ago and started doing the herbal route for dealing with it, then they went away as I mentioned when I got the IUD. Going herbal helped quite a bit, so I will stock up on the evening primrose caps and black cohosh. I can't do donq quai as it triggers serious tachicardia and hot flashes that are unbearable. I'll also start doing more soy, luckily I happen to like it, so that isn't a problem.

I probably wouldn't mind the hot flashes so much if it weren't for the immediate freezing I go thru right after. I kept waking up all night to put the covers back on after I threw them off becasue I was too hot. I think it is time to break out my summer weight clothes and then layer up for work so I can add or subtract layers when need be. They get a bit upset if you strip down to your underware at your desk :D

Finally got the Building a Web Site For Dummies, 2nd Edition book the library owns, so I will do some serious reading and check out the HTML editors they have on CD-ROM (evaluation copies) to see if any of them would be worth getting, tho I am still looking for some free editors to rebuild my personal home pages. I am currently using Arachnophilia,which is good, but has some limitations that is driving my and hubby nuts. I really liked the orlder version, but some of the features I liked were dropped when the author updated it :(
