
We got about 3 inches over night. Still a bit chilly, in the low 20s right now. Luckily it looks like we'll not get the sub-zero temps they were predicting. Which is perfectly fine by me :)

Popped out to Wally World yesterday to price microwaves. I like the one we got at the second hand place, but it is older, doesn't have a carosel and doesn't pop popcorn as well. We are still waiting for the manual for it from GE as I do want to learn how to use the convection oven part of it. We are going to look at a small microwave just for doing popcorn, re-heating coffee, doing veggies and defrosting small items. The other microwave will do fine for defrosting larger items just. Still have to check with Shopko to see what they have.

Still working on what to do with the gift card we got for christmas. They still don't have anything online that we want kitchenwise. So we are looking to see what they have for bedding. I'v only one proper set of sheets for the bed and get creative with full size sheets when I change them. If I can get either a really nice set or a couple of decent sets it would be nice.

Speaking of beds, KiKi has managed to get the kitties banned from the bedroom during the day. Little s**t has decided that peeing on the bed is a good thing. She nailed it the other night and got the electric blanket. I hate having to wash that, it requires special attention. Luckily my dryer has an air dry setting, so I can run it thru that for 30 minutes and then I can time dry it on delicate for 15 and then I can lay it out flat to finish drying. Otherwise I have to hang it in the bathroom over the curtain rack to spend the day drying. It wouldn't be so bad to be closing the bedroom door, but it turns into an ice box during the winter and with the electric blanket in the laundry basket for any amount of time the bed is too cold to be comfortable, at least to start.

Currently figuing out the budget to see if a Costco run is feasible.

Did steak neptune last night, tho with a twist. I cut the roast in thin slices and then pounded them thinner between some plastic wrap. Used the cast iron griddle to cook them most of the way thru and then rolled them with the crab inside. Definately need to work on the technique some more, but they came out not bad on the first attempt. Presentation wise they looked really nice on the plate with the bread we picked up from Safeway when we got the roast. Did the hollandaise from scratch and added some dill. Was very tasty on the steak neptune.

Oh, and today I am a red head :D While at Wally World I picked up a box of Garnier Nutrisse, the color is Sangria which is a medium red brown. So on my hair it is a deep red brown. Hubby kept picking up boxes with lovely bright shades of red and saying I should try those. I don't think he's ever accepted the idea there is no way I can get those shades the way he likes them unless I stripped the color from my hair and then have to strip the roots every 2 weeks and color them. My hair would fall out with that much processing. I would LOVE to have those shades of bright red hair, but with dark hair and even darker roots, it ain't going to happen. Now, maybe when my hair finally tunrs completely gray I can maybe ge the shade he likes, but then I would look like those old ladies who look awful in very obviously dyed hair.
