Weekend, part 2

I did do a bit more then watch movies this weekend. Saturday morning we went out to where a friend was house/dog sitting and did some hot tubbing after breakfast. It was a very nice house, surrounded by lots of trees. Then we went home and puttered a bit and layed down for a nap. Don't know why we were so tired, but the nap was wonderful.

Afterwards I went out and cleaned up my garden. Picked the last of the tomatos in the greenhouse, about a half dozen that hadn't froze. A few tiny bell peppers and then pulled up all the plants and tossed them on the compost pile. I didn't get around to raking up the leaves behind the equipment barn, I'll try and do that this next weekend as I would like to have them on my garden to compost in place and toss some on my compost pile. Put all the glass panels in the shed for storage. Came in to work this morning to discover a pot of plants on my desk. A co-worker upstairs had bought a bunch this weekend and realized she didn't need that many plants. She told one of my immediate co-workers it is "cat grass" and cat nip. I'm not exactly sure where I am going to plant it, I'm giving serious thought to along the back fence where we plan on cleaning up a lot of the overgrown grass and weeds and put in whildflowers and such. I think the cat grass and cat nip will go nicely there. I'll make sure I mark it some garden fencing or somthing to keep it from getting mowed down in the spring.

Sunday was a total lazy day, tho I did get some dishes done I'd been ignoring all weekend. I did pull a pork roast out to defrost, I put it in the crockpot this morning with some garlic, sesame oil and italian spices. I'll do a homemade alfredo tonight. We went out yesterday long enough to hit the store to pick up parmesan/romano blend cheese, noodles, half&half for the alfredo and onion, bell peppers, cheese, sour cream and flour tortillas for beef fajitas last night.

Mister's sniffles have gotten better. We tackled him and got a garlic cap down him yesterday morning. Have to grab him again tonight. If hubby holds him I can usually get the pills down his throat with not too much problem.
