A new month

And one more day until the election. I'll be happy when all the BS campaign commericals go away and then it will be a matter of sitting back and watching all the lawsuits start flying.

We've been hearing mumblings about problems with voting machines, in particular people who voted early in Texas, voted a straight Democratic ballot and then having the machine change their vote for presidetn/vice-president to Bush/Cheney, not the Kerry/Edwards vote they had made. Well, according to Snopes, it is true. This was the result of piss poor programing on the part of the company that programed the machines and voters who didn't know they HAD to vote on a referendum item. Those machines have since been removed. With all the screw ups with electronic voting machines, the ease with which the results can be tampered with (there is/was a lawsuit in California against Diebold this year) and the fact that most places are refusing to have paper trails (hmmmmm, no paper trail, no way to actually verify that people's votes were tallied correctly), a lot of folk are going to suspect any and all results from them. Here in Idaho we are still using the punch card, but the poll workers to check to make sure you've punched correctly so we (hopefully) won't have the "hanging chad" problem.

For other election stuff, here is some fun and interesting links:

A Bear votes

Jib Jab

The Onion's Countdown to Recount 2004

The Onion's Election Day Guide

Florida Electronic Vote
