Never, ever

boot up Diablo III at 9 pm on a weeknight! I didn't get to bed until almost midnight and my usual bedtime is about 10:20 after the weather on the 10 pm news .

Okay, I actually had started earlier in the evening, but was interupted when hubby needed to use my 'puter to get some file transfers from a friend in Canada and he was still fiddling with linux on his box. Since the files were for me, I didn't mind. So it wasn't entirely my fault that I didn't get to bed until allmost midnight :D hehehehehehehe

I used to be a night owl, but working days have really screwed up my sleep and if I don't go to bed early now it is damned difficult to get up in the morning. This is where FlyLady comes in handy, I have my lunch ready to go, coffee ready to go and clothes ready to go, so I don't have to rush in the mornings when I can't wake up.

It is going to be a hot week again, we stopped at Winco to pick up sandwich stuff so hubby can have cold lunches this week. We're going to be brewing up a lot of iced coffee and iced tea also.

Looking forward to my last 3 day weekend before school starts. The students are starting to trickle back into town. I shouldn't resent them coming back, if not for them I wouldn't have a job (no students, not university, no library, no steady employment), but it has been nice having a reasonably sane town inthe summertime.
