Oh dear!

Plans for this morning were to get up, have coffee, pull on some grubbies and then start hauling stuff out of the shed and off to the dump so we have some room in the shed to store stuff from the porch (like the dining room chairs we have no room for in the house which are now wrapped in plastic and duct tape for storage). Instead, hubby is in his office attempting to convince his hard drive which puked this morning to come back to life enough that he can get things backed up onto another drive.

All the pics I've been taking are stored on his computer and I was working on them via the network. May have to rethink that idea and go back to having backups stored on my computer. There are some nice pics I still need to work on and put up on my gallery page.


Oh well, surf around a bit this morning and then see about braving the shed myself. I HATE going in there, there are WAY too many things with too many legs living in there and the yellow jackets have been building nests again. Luckily I've a full can of foaming hornet spray that does a wonderful job killing them (as much as I try and do everything I can organically, when it comes to yellow jackets I am very much into chemical warfare, I hate them that much. Developing a serious allergy to them might have something to do with that I think :D ).
