Ronald Reagan

So former President Reagan passed away this last weekend. The news has been full of praise and adulation of him, continuing the attempt to proclaim him saint.


People have seemed to have forgotten all the things he did that weren't nice, such as firing the air controllers who only wanted a raise in pay, gutting a lot of civil rights programs, gutting programs to help the environment, etc.

He wasn't the reason the Berlin Wall came down and Communism fell, he just happened to be in the right place at the right time.

Bill Mitchell has a very good political cartoon on CNN that states what is happening quite well.

All that said, no one, but no one deserves to develop Alzheimer's and fade away like that. For that I truely feel sympathy for President Reagan and his family and wish to send them comfort in their time of grief.


Okay, exceptions to someone developing the disease would be Hitler, Pol Pot, Stalin, Sadam Hussein, Osama bin Laden and a whole slew of other evil people.
