Hump Day!!!

Had a very nice visit with my mom and aunt, dinner Monday night came out great. I set up tv trays and we ate outside and enjoyed the nice weather.

Yesterday was a draggy day, had a heck of a time waking up, don't know why, same this morning and both nights I pretty much slept thru.

My day lillies are blooming, I really am going to get those pics posted. Just gotta get the time to do it. Hubby has the 'puters set up so the pics are stored on his machine, I can access them and then run them thru photoshop and then I can store them in files back on his machine and then I can pull them to be posted or put them in a gallery on my homepage (considering the number of pics I've got, that is probably what I'll do).

Set up stakes and line for the snap peas to climb, tho I ran out of line. So I'll pick up some packing twine this Friday and finish getting the climbing set up done. I'm going to see if I can scare up some trellis to put on the back of the shed so I can plant more snap peas. I've got one spot where the tomato seedlings didn't survive, so I'll probably sow in some onions there. I've got some roma seedlings going, but those I'll put into pots and set out on the porch.

Leveled my compost pile a bit, also turned it some. I really do need to get my hands on a spading fork. I mentioned it to a friend of mine and she'll keep an eye out for a cheap one from yard sales and such. Am thinking I should grab my neighbor this weekend and go yard saleing ourselves. I'll give her strict orders that she not let me buy anything that isn't a spading fork or possibly some other garden type equipment I need (grass shears come to mind for trimming near the CD edging I put in). I've been debating whether or not to try and accelerate my compost pile by covering it with plastic sheeting. I only have slear, but that should work. Only problem is, if I do have any worms in there I don't want to cook them.
